The Autoservizi Sottocorna
company was born in 1954.
The birth of Autoservizi Sottocorna
Autoservizi Sottocorna was born in 1954 thanks to the entrepreneurial intelligence of Dario Sottocorna who started the rental business with a Fiat 1100 providing service to the many people who in the postwar years didn’t have possibility to move by themselves. First services was on the road of Bergamo province, but the demand for the service increased soon so Dario, with his wife Maria, decided to buy small Volkswagen Minibus for daily school services.
The birth of Autoservizi Sottocorna
First Gran Turismo Bus
With great dedication, Autoservizi Sottocorna began to move his own buses in the Lombardia provinces, but the request to reach more distant destinations increases and Dario bought his first Gran Turismo bus Fiat Ruggeri 329 and after two years a Fiat bus 343.
Dario crosses national borders
It’s 1980 and Dario wants to go beyond national borders, so with great sacrifices bought a bus that made the history of modern buses, the new Fiat 370 Padane which brought Autoservizi Sottocorna to Europe for the first time.
Dario crosses national borders
A vanguard fleet of bus
In 1990 Autoservizi Sottocorna is directy managed by son Alessandro who thanks to the experience gained over the years, to passion and teachings of his parents, works day by day in his own company. The time goes by and Dario and Maria continually renovate the fleet of buses, so in the first period of 1990’s Autoservizi Sottocorna boast a various fleet. New buses, many kilometers and many hardships to face up, but the passion remains.
Autoservizi Sottocorna today
Today Autoservizi Sottocorna is an established reality in the transport of people and addresses its offer to a heterogeneous type of clients such as Tour Operators and agencies specializing in European Tours, pilgrimages, cultural tours, excursions, events, transfers, scheduled services, school services and to all those who decide to make their trip a relaxing experience.